Friday 14 January 2011

Post production questions.

How much of your text was created in post-production?

There was several parts of the text that were significantly bettered after the production element of our practical. This was mostly acheived through editing. This gave the production stability and a feeling of continuity. Additionally we changed a few elements of our practical piece as we did audience feedback through our evaluation and this menat we were able to meet the demands of the consumer at a more precise level.

What technologies did you use to modify your original material? How did this change the meaning of your work?

We used several technologies in order to change the meaning of our practical piece. To begin with i would like to comment on adobe premier pro. This is where we did the editing to our practical piece and we were able to meet the conventions of indie as we could edit our film such as the 4 way effect to give it a fast flowing feel and tempo. This could also be said for final cut. Additionally we were able to add in very intricate and small spounds to areas such as the opening using garage band on the mac books. Additionally in creating the logo we used photo shop and this was a vital element to changing the meaning of our tezx

Adobe prmeier pro
final cut
garage band
photo shop
adobe photo shop + in design

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